Additional Audience(s): Hygienist, EFDA/Dental Assistant, Front Office
As professionals, we are all expected to be effective leaders. But where do we learn those skills? Certainly not in dental school. All-star leadership of a team can be learned and not simply by trial and error or role modeling others (including bad behaviors). This course will prepare you and your team to be effective leaders, to understand your individual style, to think strategically, to manage the team more effectively with less stress, and to deal with inevitable conflict among team members without losing sleep at night.
Building Relationships, Building Trust, Building Accountability My Personal Style – DISC Essential Leadership Traits and Intrinsic Motivation Attaining Level Five Leadership Five Behaviors of a Great Team
Learning Objectives:
Experience the basics of effective leadership by understanding their own styles and how to interact effectively with others on the team.
Understand those leadership traits and behaviors that inspire others to follow and have access to resources to improve leadership skills.