Predictable Pulp Therapy & Restorations in Pediatric Dentistry
Friday, June 16, 2023
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM PST
Location: Yakima 1
CE Credits: 1.5
Primary Audience(s): Dentist
Additional Audience(s): Hygienist, EFDA/Dental Assistant, Front Office
Key factors in diagnosis and management of the pulp will be reviewed moving from the most conservative to most invasive choices for treatment. Being that the success of pulp therapy is only as predictable as the quality restoration that protects it, a review of restorative options and keys to avoid restorative failures will ensure clinicians leave to not only have predictable pulp outcomes, but also restorations placed for long term success. Participants will review precision placement of composites, stainless steel crowns, BioFLX crowns, and pre-veneered crowns.
Learning Objectives:
Identify reversible and irreversible pulpitis.
Choose between an indirect pulp cap and pulpotomy for pulp treatment.
Grasp the principles of an ideal indirect pulp cap.
Avoid the common reasons pulpotomies fail.
Select the best restoration for a tooth with pulp treatment.
Place composites avoiding common errors to prevent future failure.
Cement esthetic crowns with predictable outcomes and minimal debonding.
Identify signs of successful outcomes of pulp treatment on immature permanent teeth.